CodeIgniter Encrypt Class: Watch For Corruption!

I had a special problem this week, and it took some digging to find out what was going wrong. It turns out that an encrypted cookie I was setting was being corrupted by a different encryption class configuration.

In a project I am working on, we are using the encryption class a lot, and in many cases providing a special cipher and/or key configuration. Since we are doing that, it’s important to remember what cipher and key are being used and when. When working on a large application, it can be difficult to remember what is being encrypted, and so I had to work out a solution.

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Extending CodeIgniter’s File Helper – Part 1

Although CodeIgniter has been taking a beating, and many developers have moved on to more cutting edge frameworks, I’ve still got projects going in CodeIgniter, so I keep coming up with ways to extend the core, libraries, and helpers.

I want to show you how to extend CodeIgniter’s File Helper to change the way the get_filenames function retrieves files in a directory. With no option to choose whether or not it should recursively retrieve files in sub-directories, the original get_filenames function will go as deep as it can, retrieving files in sub-directories that you may not want.

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Community Auth V2.0.1 Released

Community AuthDevelopment of Community Auth has slowed way down since I made the decision to say farewell to CodeIgniter. I really had planned to keep investing time in it, but due to some irreconcilable differences with EllisLab and CodeIgniter, I decided that I was never going to upgrade Community Auth to CodeIgniter 3.X.X. I am currently working on projects that use both CodeIgniter and Community Auth, so I’m not just going to disappear, and do keep tinkering with Community Auth when I have time. Once CodeIgniter V3 is officially released, and if it looks like Community Auth downloads are down, I may elect to discontinue development and simply maintain the existing project.

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