Brain’s Form class is way stripped down compared to CodeIgniter’s. In fact, I may decide that I want to add more functionality in the future, however, I have mixed feelings about it. So, I just decided to go for a barebones Form class.
Form Open Tag
Creates the opening portion of a form element. A hidden field named “token” is automatically created after the opening form tag.
Form::open( $action = '', $attributes = '', $method = 'post' );
Multipart Form Open Tag
Creates the opening portion of a form element, but with “multipart/form-data” enctype attribute. A hidden field named “token” is automatically created after the opening form tag.
Form::open_multipart( $action = '', $attributes = '', $method = 'post' );
Create Select Options From Array
Create a select elements options from an array. $assoc param allows for associate arrays. If $selected is set the corresponding option will be marked as selected.
Form::create_select_options( $arr, $assoc = FALSE, $selected = FALSE );