Rename WordPress Default Post Type

If you want to rename the WordPress default post type, I wrote a super simple plugin to handle this. Before installing and activating the plugin, all you need to do is change the value of the $singular and $plural class properties. Use whatever you want. For instance, if you want “Posts” to be “News”, you would change both values to “News”. If you want “Posts” to be “Articles”, then I’ve already done that for you in the sample code below.

Plugin Name: Rename Posts to XXX
Description: Change the name of the default post type
Author: Robert Brian Gottier
Version: 0.0.1
Author URI:
License: MIT

class rename_posts {

   private $singular = 'Article';
   private $plural   = 'Articles';

    * Class Constructor
   public function __construct()
      add_action( 'admin_menu', [ $this, 'change_post_label' ] );
      add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'change_post_object' ] );
   // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    * Change Post Label
   public function change_post_label()
      global $menu;
      global $submenu;

      $menu[5][0]                 = $this->plural;
      $submenu['edit.php'][5][0]  = $this->plural;
      $submenu['edit.php'][10][0] = 'Add ' . $this->singular;
      $submenu['edit.php'][16][0] = $this->singular . ' Tags';
   // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    * Change Post Object
   public function change_post_object()
      global $wp_post_types;
      $labels                     = &$wp_post_types['post']->labels;

      $labels->name               = $this->plural;
      $labels->singular_name      = $this->singular;
      $labels->add_new            = 'Add ' . $this->singular;
      $labels->add_new_item       = 'Add ' . $this->singular;
      $labels->edit_item          = 'Edit ' . $this->singular;
      $labels->new_item           = 'New ' . $this->singular;
      $labels->view_item          = 'View ' . $this->singular;
      $labels->search_items       = 'Search ' . $this->plural;
      $labels->not_found          = 'No ' . $this->plural . ' found';
      $labels->not_found_in_trash = 'No ' . $this->plural . ' found in Trash';
      $labels->all_items          = 'All ' . $this->plural;
      $labels->menu_name          = $this->plural;
      $labels->name_admin_bar     = $this->singular;
   // -----------------------------------------------------------------------


new rename_posts;